Friday 28 March 2014

I will start with one of my favorite Salad



1 tsp olive oil
200 gm boneless chicken
1 chilly
1 tsp fish sauce
2 tbs lime juice
1/4 cup mint leaves
1 tsp pepper powder
1 tsp red chilly flakes
Salt acc to taste


First boil the chicken  for 5 mins with a little salt in it. In the mean time chopped the mint leaves and chilly. In a bowl put olive oil, fish sauce, lime juice pepper powder chilly flakes and salt acc to taste, mix the ingredients very nicely. Sieve the boiling chicken and put the chicken mint leaves and chilly in the mixture. Now very nicely mix all the ingredients. Before serving garnish it with some mint leaves and chilly flakes.


  1. Nice :)
    Just a suggestion, you can click pics and put them along with the method section,step by step. it will help ppl like me to get to know how deep to fry or what should be the amount of each ingredient and the final colour of certain mixtures.

  2. tnxxx fr d suggestion bro... main prb is d recipe is totly my own so wtevr cums 2 mind at tym i try it...i dnt knw if it will turn gud..i will kip in mind wtevr u said..
